Gary I hear ya. Several years ago I had to come home from work, do my chores, take a nap. Then I'd take a dog or two & a rifle & go sit in the woods near our herd of cattle. It was calving season & I had to pick 'em off as they came in to kill the new calves or down a cow while she was in labor. Strangely enough the coyotes came in to mostly pick up the afterbirth & such, they dare not get carried away with a 2000 lb bull who was a very good herd bull. Anything he couldn't handle he would come to the house to get help. But the dogs, some where dumped dogs & others were people's pets who irresponsibly just let them run. Well of course they get into mischief. Like you, I hated to do it. I don't like to kill anything I don't eat but it had to be done. Middle of the night, my dogs (one on either side of me) tensed up. I had dosed off & the bull came to check us out. He was breathing in my face. I guess I didn't look right to him. Fortunately he knew my voice & all I had to say was, "Hey Red, whatcha doin?" I talked to him for a few minutes & he backed up, snorting. Thankfully my dogs did as I told them, be still, be quiet. I'd moved to a different spot that night & when Red didn't find us, he came looking. When I didn't answer him I guess he didn't trust it was me. My poor dogs were beside themselves but they kept it together. Broke me from falling asleep on duty too :) By the time my military husband got home, all cows & calves were safe & I finally got some sleep. Shortly thereafter we got our Great Pyranees dogs. I always slept well with them on the loose.