While my experience is no where near some of the people on this board I have been the owner of a Rottweiler and am the current owner of a Cane Corso. With my Rottie I never once had a problem with him treating smaller dogs too rough. The same can be said for my Cane Corso. If I were to chose between the two breeds now having known both I would go with a Cane Corso. This is of course personal preference and just my opinion based on my experiences. It is important to learn all that you can and never stop training your dog, try your hardest to avoid situations that might end up being a problem. Too be honest New2Neo you seem to be taking this very seriously and I am sure you will inform your self as much as you need to. On a side note, I personally much prefer the Italian Cane Corso as opposed to the American bloodlines. Keep up the search and if there are any specific questions that you have feel free to PM me and I will do my best to help you out. MM.