Comment to 'Canine genetics - (this may take some time to read,'
  • [quote=LeeRobinson] What book? Are you talking to me or did I miss something. There is no plagerism in that post. The post I made isn't from a book, but from my thoughts after obtaining 2 degrees in Animal Sciences, breeding dogs, and seeing how uninformed many breeders are.[/quote] My apologies. I thought that this post was essentially a summary of a book I'm reading. In your original post you put [blockquote]Canine Genetics…Things Every “Breeder” Should Know [/blockquote] The title of the book is similar; "Genetics: An introduction for Dog Breeders" by Jackie Isabell. I didn't mean to insinuate that you were plagiarizing as what you posted was obviously not word for word. Just thought that you were referencing the book. :) It's good info and thanks for sharing. I don't think it ever hurts to know too much about this kind of stuff - even people who do not plan on breeding.