Comment to 'Dominance or insecurity?'
  • I for one am definitely not going to see eye to eye with you on this one Lee. I have very strong feelings about the topic, I agree with the scientists like coppinger who say man "creating" dogs is an arrogant myth, that we're really kidding ourselves to think we're like gods, rather than say sea anemones, or water buffalo (both of which are in relationships with other animals, animals that have adapted to being in that relationship with them. Clown fish and ox-pecker birds respectively). Yes we've played our part but like dumb apes just opportunistically exploiting a situation to benefit ourselves, rather than omniscient god-like entities. Niches have opened up connected to human society which dogs have taken upon themselves to fill. Once they got their foot in, new niches developed and the dogs evolved to be suited to them. This relationship with dogs is responsible for our almolst "super natural" success, it's the reason we've lifted above nature in some ways and ironically is the reason we're so ready to believe we're so special that we could mastermind the dog/human relationship and create dogs. We're special because we fell into an alliance with dogs and it gave us a frankly unfair advantage over the natural world.