Comment to 'Problems with Frontline Plus?'
  • I had a phone conversation with Merial's (they make Frontline products) vet today to complain about Frontline not protecting against fleas. My dog has gotten fleas 3x during the five months we've been using Frontline Plus. Granted, she was pheasant hunting a lot (got sprayed by skunk :evil: ) this past Fall, but for what that stuff costs it should work!! Well, I found out how the stuff works. It permeates through their fur which takes about 24 hours. When fleas jump on, the product supposedly starts to kill them which is supposed to happen before they can lay their eggs, all of which is supposed to break the flea life cycle. But it takes 18 hours for the flea to die, so I FINALLY got this vet to admit that the flea can still bite during those 18 hours even if it does die before it lays its eggs (fleas have to feed before they can lay their eggs) AND she admitted that the fed flea can be shaken off/jump off before the 18 hour death knell tolls and survive to lay eggs. This stuff costs $17 a pop for one little vial if you buy 6 at a time and even more if you only buy 3 at a time. We used to use Advantix Plus and NEVER had a problem. The price is about the same. I don't mind the price so much if the stuff works, but this stuff seems like crap to me. They're giving me a refund and we'll be back on Advantix in about another week. I'm real curious to know if anybody else had a similar experience with Frontline Plus?