Comment to 'Problems with Frontline Plus?'
  • [quote=lynnicks]I had a similar problem with Frontline Plus but with the dogs loosing hair in patches and we checked the diet, blood tests, skin scrapping etc., with no conclusion so I decided to take my dogs off Frontline because I could not think it could be anything else. I use Advocate made by Bayer here it costs double what Frontline costs but it control fleas, heart worm, intestinal worms, demodectic mange, sarroptic mange, ear mites and lice. And weighing up the cost of taking the dog to the vet with skin problems caused by Frontline I thought Advocate the better option. They have been using it for 18 months (older dogs) with no problems. Vets tend to promote products and sometimes without checking whether they are good or not. I also think it depends on the breed we used Frontline on our smaller dogs and never had any side effects. Maybe they have changed the ingredients? Who knows.[/quote] Even if it costs twice what Frontline costs it's still cheaper than having to buy Interceptor or Heartguard on top of the Advantix Plus or Frontline because Interceptor costs more than Frontline (I'm not sure about Heartguard's price - I assume it's competitive with Interceptor). There is also a generic Interceptor available. I can't think of the name, but if anyone is interested I will look it up for you - I have to remember the site where I read about it, maybe Petmeds. I just picked up a new prescription for Interceptor from the vet today but haven't filled it. I will call the vet tomorrow and see if I can get the Advocate you're talking about. I presume it's once-a-month? Thank you very much for the information. I'm not at all surprised you had a problem with Frontline. It just seemed to really not work at all, and she's a small dog (Jack Russell). Are your dogs' skin condition better now that you took them off the Frontline and put them on Advocate?