Comment to 'Personal Protecting vs. Sport.'
  • Some breeds take pressure better, some breeds have higher pain tolerence, some are more responcive to voice command. All are just generalizations, starting points when choosing a breed to work with. Herding breeds were "designesd " to think. An average GSD will out track a good Rottweiler. A poor Malinous will smoke an great AB when doing blind searches. A pit or AB isn't coming off a sleeve until it wants to vs a Dobe that will lose interest and release( Dobe A.D.D.) None of this is good or bad, it just is. If there is any contravercy it's between Sport & PP people that think they are only on the true path. :wink: I think a well rounded dog should be ablle to excell in both. My favorite comment , "Shutzhund is a game". Well so is boxing, tell me a punch in the face from Mike Tyson won't hurt :lol: