Comment to Personal Protecting vs. Sport.
Some breeds take pressure better, some breeds have higher pain tolerence, some are more responcive to voice command. All are just generalizations, starting points when choosing a breed to work with. Herding breeds were "designesd " to think. An average GSD will out track a good Rottweiler. A poor Malinous will smoke an great AB when doing blind searches. A pit or AB isn't coming off a sleeve until it wants to vs a Dobe that will lose interest and release( Dobe A.D.D.) None of this is good or bad, it just is. If there is any contravercy it's between Sport & PP people that think they are only on the true path. :wink: I think a well rounded dog should be ablle to excell in both. My favorite comment , "Shutzhund is a game". Well so is boxing, tell me a punch in the face from Mike Tyson won't hurt :lol: