Comment to Aggressive Behavior
:D all things about weak nerves i disagree and i also wrote that in the other topic. Normaly an owner will learn to read his dogs will all his good things and bad things.we learn what triggers him and what not. Even with the bad things we can deal with it because its always the same that triggers him. If that constantly changes and he isnt trustfull at all and we have no clu what we can expect from our dog than its for me weak nerves.And i count on that people can read :D :D Instable behaviour . Dominance is tehre and very clear to me and nothing to do with weak nerves .Soi defendly agree what you write gary so i thought you maby you dont udnerstand what i mean. People who known by you are predictable in normal situations if tehy are constantly diffrent than they are not stable and i mean it in that kind of way. :wink: