[quote1327611250=LeeRobinson] . A sport isn't the only way to test a dog [/quote1327611250] I agree 100% What other public working dog trials have you entered with your dog? [blockquote]nor is it the only way to find experienced dogmen that are impartial judges.[/blockquote] I disagree here though You have the title Head Trainer in your avatar.........to earn that title ,you would have most definitely entered some dog you've personally trained,into some sort of Scored Trial to be taken seriously OB,Agility,WP etc.......and on top of that it would most certainly take multiple scored/judged trials to be considered a Professional. no? If you are a strictly a Master PP trainer....well then show the Forum the results/scores/placing on your stock from any other Trail other than that K9PS one from years ago....... You can't just make grandiose claims all willy-nilly without proof to back it.