[quote1327642336=LeeRobinson] Too small a sample to be scientific IMO. How many dog actually have their bites tested. Are those dogs good representations of the breed?Did those dogs actually want to bite the meter hard? Is bite force the only thing that makes the dog successful at the task? We can't breed just "one component" in a working dog. You have to breed to the entire animal. [/quote1327642336] As it comes to this video in question, I would have to agree with Lee. There are just too many influencing factors to make any reliable conclusions. Let alone the laughable "I've heard the Kangal" argument. I've also heard 2000lbs and even 7000lbs when it comes to Kangals. That sort of exaggeration is known in eastern cultures. Very telling were the last 10 seconds, where a Kangal is depicted right next to a real lion. Anyone who thinks that Kangal has more bite force than that lion is delusional. Even the National Geographic study is way too thin scientifically speaking, they compared apples to oranges and even then apparently just one apple to one orange.