Comment to 'Italian LGDs are enlisted to help in Queensland'
  • We never had any livestock guardians when I lived out West of Mt Isa, but we'd make nightly rounds of our yards where we had beasts locked up and shoot dogs on sight. At least 2 - 3 nights every week we would bag 2 - 3 and on the odd occasion even more. The problem is with no other natural predators to contend with other than dingos, which they just cross breed with anyway... they get first pick on everything and anything they want, including livestock which are easy targets when they are fenced in and have nowhere to go. I think the introduction of livestock guardians is definitely a viable solution. However, there is one area I think they are going to run into big problems. Dingo Baits. We used to lose dogs (our dogs) to dingo baits all the time, people place them everywhere, either planned or illegally placed. I just hope none of those maremma's catch a bait, because its a horrible, slow, painful death. When you're 8 hours from the closest vet and you have the choice of putting a bullet in your best friend or watching him die in agony... lets just say its not a good day. Also there are a whole bunch of myxomatosis diseased rabbits and hares out there, which shouldn't be a problem since livestock guardians tend to have a low prey drive, but all the same, another hazard worth them thinking about in advance if they don't want to lose dogs unnecessarily. Be interesting to see how it turns out, I'll email a few buddies and see if there's been any other info posted about they know of.