Comment to 'Attack at a dog park'
  • Hi all, So, I was talking to a co-worker the other day and she told me the story about her little dog getting attacked at a dog park. She has a 13 pound chiweenie (I guess that is the correct spelling), not yet two years old, cute little thing. She used to take her dog to the apartment dog park all the time, knew all the neighbors and their little dogs, and the dogs played together and just had a grand time. One day one neighbor brought her big dog and let it loose in the dog park. All she could tell me about the big dog was that it was a 90 pound mutt. This dog attacked her dog and bit him on the leg. When my friend saw blood and a chunk of fur missing, she picked up her dog and tried to shield him from the attacking dog. The big dog jumped up and bit her dog on the butt. When she turned around, the big dog jumped on her and scratched her back. As I was hearing her story I couldn't help but think that she could have been seriously injured herself since she is petite and probably doesn't weigh 110 pounds soaking wet. She said she panicked and didn't know what else to do to protect her puppy. I was wondering what is one to do in a situation like this? What could, or should, she have done differently? My co-worker grew up with great pyrs in east Texas where her dogs quite frequently encountered coyotes and would show up at the house with injuries, but she said she never saw injuries like this. Her puppy healed well, and the owners of the big dog paid her vet bill, but now her little dog is afraid of other dogs. What kind of training should she do with her little one to help him feel less stressed around other dogs? Thank you, Sue