Comment to 'What's a mutt?'
Comment to What's a mutt?
  • [quote=Dragonmark]I guess pit bulls are mutts by that definition, even though they look the same since the 1800's. Dogo Argentinos, Presas, Cane, Neapolitans, and just about every dog in the world. I say this because all dogs come frome somewhere, all dogs are mixed none were created by Divine miracles.[/quote] Yawn, what a tired, tired, tired argument. The sad thing is, no matter how many times it is explianed, people just don't get it, oh well. Here is the abridged version. It is a huge differance when a large group of knowledgeable fanciers get together to revive a breed and reconstruct than some yahoo taking two dogs he either got from BYB's or flat out decpetion and calling his "creation" a "breed." In most occasions it is lterally 50 or more experianced dog people with 20 plus years of breeding, genetics etc. to take on such an undertaking. The proof is in the pudding so to speak. Breeds like the Saint and the JA for an example are largly reconstructed yet now and for a while breed very true to type. No one's "Bandogs" do. Anyone can take two dogs together and get puppies. Hell, I have thought about it myself. Just get a dog of type A and mate to a dog of type B and wha-la! The Tri-Valley Bulldog. Bull$hit would be more like it.