Comment to What's a mutt?
[quote=Astibus]What really is a mutt? I thought about it for a while and realized that the answer is not trivial. [/quote] I've always assumed a 'mutt' is whatever it is that the guy you don't like is breeding. ;) Seriously, I've seen the term tossed around so often it's almost lost all meaning. It's used to slander any breed that someone arbitrarily decides is 'impure'. Breeders of breeds with 'historic' pedigrees decry any breed developed in the 20th century as 'mutts'. Breeders of cockapoos claim to be breeding 'for a reason', and decry maltipoos to be 'mutts'. Who the hell knows what a 'mutt' is anymore? I'm more concerned about the ethics and intents of the person breeding than I am about what it is they're mixing together. All of our breeds started out as mutts at one time or another... it's just the luxury of distance from their origins that stops any of ours from being tarred with the same brush. Carol and the sometimes oh-so muttly Frenchies