I agree with you on ages for weight-pulling. Spoke with the weightpull club down here and they reckon the same ages.
Have only tried DJ, Steel and Chaos with weight pulling so far. Both Steel and Chaos are on very minimal weight as its just to get them used to the harness and pulling concept.
One thing I find is there is really no need for encouragement with this bloodline as they are all wanting to walk beside me while pulling (which is the norm with this bloodline). I have to actually get someone to hold DJ back while I go about 20 meters away then he gets released and still I don't have to call him as he just wants to be with me. I feel sure he will pull an impressive amount of weight to accomplish that. Have had him up to 2 motorbike tires on top of each other and packed with bricks. Not sure what that weighs but I struggle moving it over the grassy area we train on. In about 6 weeks I will start DJ on some really serious pulling.