Comment to Naturally protective
Nick P,sounds like a cross to a cross might be best.want to say that first In asking a forum with over 10,000 members you will get that many different answers.So you have to ask your self what you are trying to achieve in the breeding.and put some time into learning that breed of dog and look for a prospect.research and driving to different areas,states,and working your self on the dog intended for the breeding,often times when me and fellow individuals breed.we breed best to best from proven dogs.We will work both sides time and time again then it is dicussed among all of us,and go off past litters and the ratio of good speciems that turned out.and past bloodlines etc.In looking for good dogs in my world it is nothing to travel a great distance,also a trial is a must or see the dog work there at place of origin and back at the home base.and subject the dog to different enviroments,and applications to see if the dog is what it said to be.Why do you care what other people think your dog should be if your going to take on the challenge of breeding dogs of this type you need to get with someone with some experience or have a plan.but remember you dogs will speak for themselves.I sense a lack of direction in the program it needs to be more thought out.As if you don't know where you want to go with it. Which brings me to think what if you go get a puppy and you raise it and spend time feeding,do basic OB training until dog is right age for doing the said job and it fails the training due body struture,type temperment,balance,drive,nerves,whatever.are you willing to cull.or too much invested and take chances on breeding the dogs and hoping a pup turns out good.and have you tested the dog you it worthy of breeding.could you cull the hole litter after raising them all to see if the are the type of dog you are looking for.and what are you gonna do with the pups that fail.or are you gonna get two or three adult dogs and subject them to trial after trial before breeding. BREED PROVEN DOG TO PROVEN DOG,WORK YOU OWN BLOOD LINE FIRST 5 YEARS,BEFORE SELLING ANYTHING,THAT INCLUDES PUPS,LET YOU DOGS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.AND CULL HARD GOOD LUCK ps don't let nothing out of your yard thats not honest dog, or you would have someone talk trash about, then again why would you sell anyway because good dogs are hard to find.And you never sell your best dog right. we are a group of individual that keep the bloodline between us and breed when needed not just to breed.also when we bred dogs it for our yard not to sell to the public its for our purpose Whats yours Realdogs