Comment to 'CAO Puppy Assessment'
  • On a personal level, I like the breeder; she is a lovely lady. I have known her for years. She brought Tzar's grands to Australia from Russia over 20 years ago.

    I have just exchanged messages with the breeder who acknowledged that the behaviour that I described is: "Not typical for adult males at all and not so typical for a mature female. At 1 year she is still a pup though and peeing is a communication thing showing respect" "Normal for wolves and wild dogs species" "She may be a bit more of the gentle nature than a usual cao". The breeder further added that she is happy to take her back or I can put her for sale.

    My wife and son are resisting the idea of re-homing our girl. Will have to decided very soon as the longer I wait the more difficult it will be to find her a suitable home.

    The breeder used to have a website; however found this recent video for her