In Australia with pedigree dogs it is 8 weeks but if your exporting its 12 weeks. When you become a breeder and/or member of the AKC, you are supposed to adhere to the code of ethics. I have no problem taking a dog at 12 weeks and up depending on the circumstances. I have a dog kenneled at the moment in France after only being allowed to leave Italy at 4 months. It has to stay there a minumum of 150 days and then 30 days quarantine. This is timed from a positive test of rabies. I would love to be able to get my dog quicker but due to quarantine laws this is impossible. Some rules are good but I still will never understand such a long time especially from a country which has had no cases of rabies for over 50 years. Borders are a pain because that is the reason this is strictly adhered to due to the neighbouring country maybe still having rabies. I would also take a pup, if under a certain situation say going to be put down due to this and that at 6 weeks but never before and probably not likely to take unless I was happy with its health in the first place. I would never take a 6 week old pup if it didnt look strong, independant and definitely not one cowering in the corner. Just my thoughts