Comment to Irresponsible Breeders
[blockquote]He'll mate the best female of this first litter with her father. This inbreeding—called linebreeding—will help Eison isolate the traits he seeks.[/blockquote] [blockquote]I like having very vicious, angry dogs. I'm going to teach them not to like other dogs. I'm going to agitate them, make them aggressive. That way when it's about business, they are going to be serious.[/blockquote] No wonder that so many dogs are mental ill or/and Dangerous! Inbreeding a pup with her father, is just sick, crossing Bullterrier and APBT just to have a more dangerous dog...tsss.... :? This guy is just sick, he should be locked up, it is the fault of people like him, that the whole pitbull breed is seen as a vicious breed, i don't know why a vicious dog is so important? Has that guy never has heard anything of Schutzhund? My grandfather alwys said that a good Schutzhund can only be a good Schutzhund if it is a friendly dog, which doesn't get outraged or out of control easy. My Grandpa had a Schutzhund, a German Shepherd and he never tried to make a vicious beast out of it. Probably it was wrong of the Pitbull when he was nine Years oly to save him, probably the dog should have just let the fuckr Burn. If this Pitbull would have saved my life i would never turn them into beasts. Can't the police in NY do anything against this wanker Eison? Here in Germany the Police, the office of Order, and the Societies against Animal abuse would directly take the dogs away, they wouldn't even give him the chance to have one, and if he would get one he would be in big big trouble, especially with these reasons to keep a pitbull.