Comment to Sun Flower Seeds
I know, I also believe garlic is good for dogs and lots of top dog foods have garlic and many vets even say it is good for them. Eggs, milk and yoghurt I have fed dogs regularly as well. Although I'm a little bit curious about eggs now because the list said eggs can cause itchy skin and hair falling out and stuff like that and my dad's bandog actually does have some skin issues, so maybe should warn him about that one. My dogs also eat macadamia nuts all the time, though I try to stop them. I have a macadamia nut tree and they find the nuts, crack them open and eat them. I've heard of dogs eating whole chocolate bars and chocolate cakes and being fine as well. All these things are based on what COULD happen or has happened to some dog somewhere, not like all these ingredients are automatically fatal poison to any dog that touches them, definitely not.