Comment to 'Am I Asking For Too Much...?'
  • I can't speak on that breed specifically.  I can only  speak on what I have observed.  It's not only my observation it is what the judges themselves have said to me and other breeders.  I have heard this at the I ABC shows, UKC, and at the USA Monographica. At the Monographica last year there was a huge presa under 18 months. So it's still growing.  It was 148 lbs. The Spanish judges liked the dog but verbally and put on the written critique about the dog's being too big.  More proof came later on the working test.  On the I defense of handler it probably was the hardest hitting dog there. But it was the slowest  dog to get there. It was suggested that they get about 35 lbs off of that dog.

    I've seen Rottweilers that were over 140 lbs that look awesome and they never place well in conformation because of their extreme size. No judge is supposed to adjust the standards.  At every show they are supposed to have a scale and something to measure the dogs height. If an exhibitor or judge questions the size they use it to verify. I've seen  it done. I don't know who questioned it. The large dogs didn't do well.

    I have spoken with breeders who breed towards bigger dogs. They make claims that their dogs are shoe quality.  Then while talking they admit never going to a show. They claim champion blood lines, but the champion is 4 or more generations back. I've walked away from those breeders. I have refused to sell a pup to them. 

    Also the judge is supposed to check the dogs. The check to see if a dog is fat.  The look and feel for muscle tone . If it is a show that give written critiques if the dog doesn't get enough exercise you'll get comments about the weak hocks. An associate of mines the had some  Olde asked me about this on theirs.