Comment to Just Sharing Pics :)
[quote1297266061=bmoremastini] cute puppies Charina. I have a breed question for you if you don't mind answering? The sire is tawny and the dam is blue but all of the pups are blue and you knew this in advance. I would have thought you would have had a mix of color. I'm just curious in how color works in the breed and from what I read before tawnyxblue should throw some color but this breedding proves it not to be the case. thanks. [/quote1297266061] Nope. The Mother does NOT carry for color and I knew that from the get. I did NOT want colored pups because Im not a big fan, usually, of colored dogs other than the blue and black. Now their offspring will carry for color if put with a color carrying Neapolitan or a Colored one (Tawny/Mahogany) Not sure what you have read but if you could get a copy of Sherilyn Allens book or actually talk to someone who knows what their taking about with color genetics. Here is a break down for you on Neapolitan Mastiff color/breeding color for you.... There are four coat colors in the Neapolitan Mastiff and each of the four colors can have brindling. There is Black, Blue, Mahogany & Tawny. The genotype of a black Neo must be by definition BBDd or BBDD or BbDD or BbDd. The genotype of a blue Neo must be by definition BBdd or Bbdd. The genotype of a mahogany Neo must be bbDd or bbDD. The genotype of a tawny Neo is only bbdd. Breeding blue to blue will never give black, but it may give tawny, but will never make black or mahogany. Breeding tawny to tawny will always produce tawny. Breeding black to black or to any of the other colors can produce all four colors, depending on genotypes involved. Mahogany bred to blue can give all four colors, depending on the genotype of the two individuals. Black bred to black,mahogany, blue or tawny can produce all four colors, depending on the genotype of the blacks. So basically black and blue can produce color BUT they have to have color behind them. Another thing a blue and/or black could come from a litter of color but may not be a color carriers. Its can be confusing but its actually really simple. :)