Comment to Final Log
Dan - I fully understand. Many members are now used to Facebook and Twitter also and MD does not yet offer those kinds of functionality. Every time I try to find a similar solution it turns out to be too costly for me to switch over to such a system. Regardless, your points are well made. In the past I had to make changes to the system based on features vs security - and due to the amount of time I spent recovering from hackers - security won out. The chat room was removed because no one used it anymore. The integrated gallery showed current info on the newest photos and comments the current setup does not show this info on the front page. (I know this is a problem but the integrated gallery is no longer supported by the developers). Several years ago I had rented two dedicated servers when the site was very busy because it could not be hosted on shared hosting. This proved to be very costly at almost $3,000 per year... Today the site is on shared hosting again because server prices have gone up. The unfortunate thing is that most hosts will only allow 200,000 files on the account - so I removed systems and files that are no longer used (like the chatroom) I also had to slim down the gallery and removed unused themes.. anyway, those are just some of the things that visitors and members are not aware of. Factor in family, home, work, and studies and we have some other limitations. I just started a new career in Houston, TX and so don't spend much time here. Will settle down in a few weeks and have more time to once again investigate other options and study the feasibility of continuing a site like this. Thank you for the time you spent here and the knowledge you shared with us. I have enabled the delete function on the user info page for those who desire to leave. Since the site does not sent out daily emails or advertising it is probably just easier to stop visiting instead of deleting an account. At least the posts and info remains for others who may come later to learn from. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge here. Best reqargs,