Comment to 'considering this puppy to buy.......'
  • [quote=badams]Mixed breeds make the best dogs to be had anywhere as far as health and intellegence.[/quote] Where have you heard that? That is the farest you can come from the truth. When you buy a mixdog there is no garanty of the temperament what so ever! You can hope for the best and create an idea.. Anyways - This is a very good looking puppy! I will agree with some of the others here that the parents do not look like the breeds you mentioned. The other way around sounds better. This does not matter though - What matters is that you hav a clue of what breeds your dog is a mix of. This can give you an idea of what he will turn out to be - Though you should not expect your dog to be half mom and half dad in temperament. You can never be sure of that when you buy a mixdog.