Comment to 'Dominance or insecurity?'
  • [quote1326931714=KeyserSoze] I just find it odd that there are no documented wolves that exhibit any of the traits that various dogs, whether it be a short coat or muzzle, it just doesn't appear. [/quote1326931714] Same could be said about humans with dwarfism, cranial malformations or many genetic syndromes. Genetic diversion from the norm doesn't necessitate alien abduction. In wolves, malformations are (and have been) radically culled by nature. So their incidence rate (and allele frequency) is very low. In dogs, not so much, that's all. [quote1326931714=KeyserSoze] There is one characteristic of homo sapiens that has remained a mystery and that is the fact that man's brain size has tripled in just the past few thousand years while man has been around for a few hundred thousand years. [/quote1326931714] True! Not everything in genetics has been discovered yet (not even close). There are many mysteries and surprises left for future generations.