Comment to Dominance or insecurity?
[quote1326836161=LeeRobinson] I don't believe Coppinger is the only one that has offered opinions on the process of natural selection vs artificial selection. In fact, I know he is not the only one. His conclusions and theories may have some evidence, but since no one can go back thousands of years ago and actually observe what happened in a factual manner...ultimately, your acceptance of his view/conclusions/theories is one of faith since direct observational evidence from the time of the LGD's development is lacking. [/quote1326836161] False. While this has been going on "thousands of years ago" as you say, transhumance can be observed to this day in certain regions of the world. Macedonia being one of them (Coppinger actually is specifically referring to his observations in Macedonia, a while ago he has also asked me if it was still safe to travel to Macedonia as he intended additional excursions). Other regions on this earth provide insight into nomadic cultures, that haven't much changed over the centuries. Conclusions are made on current observations in combination with a plethora of archaeological, biological, genetic, anthropological, geological, historical, cross-cultural, epidemiological, mathematical and physical data. That is how science is done these days. And lastly, the "no time machine" argument is getting old, and it prohibits any discussion of anything that doesn't provide actual video footage. See a pattern here? [quote1326836161=LeeRobinson] Referring to Einstein, he stated, "Great minds have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." Your sarcasm is just that. [/quote1326836161] LOL! You DO realize that I am arguing on behalf of a new understanding, while YOU are holding on to an old world view that has already been dismissed by modern science, right? ... "Great mind"... haha ... you're high-ness. [quote1326836161=LeeRobinson] We don't need sarcasm...a redirection of the topic due to frustration on your part...because your view is unable to endure intelligent discussion from objective parties. [/quote1326836161] Not at all frustrated, just bored ...... of running in circles with you. Internet discussion are just entertainment to me; ................ infotainment at best really. :)