Comment to CO Character Essentials
[quote=EsqCaucasians"][quote="Wolf] By taking a dog to Russia (or other eastern-European countries where the CO has a long tradition) to a reputable Dog Show (preferably a CO Specialty event) and being in the company (or mercy) of many judges, many breeders, many owners and those familiar with the breed, not to mention being surrounded by 20, 60 or more Caucasians,[/quote] With what registration papers do you suppose will allow for this international showing?[/quote] Good point Stacey! We could take our dogs there and Europe, BUT would NOT be allowed to show them UNLESS they have FCI, or AKC pedigrees. Folks, the FCI, as I am sure most of you know, allows only one organization per country, and for the USA that is AKC! So, UKC nor anyother pedigrees could show there. I do not know, but probably RKF could also. For a dog to have FCI pedigrees, they have to have been born in an FCI Country. This presents a problem Wolf to your way of thinking. Out of my three Caucasians, I have one that is FCI pedigree. So she could be shown in Russia or Europe, providing I could take the time to do it and had the money to do it. Not to mention who is going to feed, exercise, and watch my other two Caucasians while I am gone. It is not as simple as it sounds to do. Kat