Comment to 'Sarplaninac Temperment'
  • You know Tonedog, I won't take anything away from the lineage of the concept of "bandogs". Throughout history, mongrels have worked their butts off for humans. And so did LGDs since ancient times. But if we're talking about working Shars vs modern bandogs, bandogs often aren't anything more than a macho's "toy" breed of choice, something to show off like the assault rifle in the attic, kept around for a post-apocalyptic fantasy to come true. Or maybe they are occasionally used for the weekend "hunt", i.e. mostly tailgating on a pickup truck with a keg of beer around. Hardly a necessity to survive, but merely a hobby. Meanwhile, Shars have done real work in the mountains, in the military, in the police, as border patrols. I'll respect and acknowledge the historical contributions of working mongrels, but modern bandogs? Let's be real here for a moment, their contribution to humans too often is just being a tough pet.