Comment to Please set these idiots straight
[quote=crnosrce1"][quote="bulltaterbullies]ABBB is the only one making a real arguement. Canecorso1 thats great that youve seen all these COs, but if they run up on a 100lb AB that hunts 400lb wild hogs daily then its goin down. A dog such as this could definitely handle itself against a wolf. Of course its not a sure thing but all Im saying is there is no way you could say that a wolf could just destroy these types of dogs. COs slashin into EACH OTHER. Exactly how bout a bone breaking pit bull bite. Definitely not a clear win for a wolf.[/quote] Ever wonder why the Bull Terrier has the hardest bite force of all dogs? [/quote] I have never heard that the Bull terrier has the hardest bite force. The last I heard, the 2 hardest bites ever measured in canines were, a Mastiff that bit down with over 550 lbs and a large wolf that bit down with over 400 lbs of force..