Comment to 'question about socialization with a fila'

    He was certain the dog would need encouragement to attack because it was its first evaluation after all. That's why he asked me to stay inside in order to evaluate its physical instincts for guarding and the level of courage. By the time I spend to get down and help him out of dog's teeth, he confessed he started bit the dog hard in order to make it leave his arm. IT WAS THEN WHEN HE CRACKED HIS ARM IN AN ANOTHER PLACE AND HOLD HIM MORE FIRMLY, SHAKING AND JERKING HIM LIKE A RUG.

    That is what a real Caucasian Ovcharka is supposed do. I really enjoyed reading your post. It is full of very valuable information for those who desire to own a true guardian dog. We know that not everyone who wants one should one and are not capable of handling such a dog.  Thanks for sharing.