Comment to 'question about socialization with a fila'
  •   If you remove yourself from the social environment they will behave differently even if properly socialized.


    Well Said !!

    When i walk my co in the parc he even sit down when he sees a biker. He avoid people and when they want to pet him he avoid the hand and walks further. Always off leash. I am always alert because when somebody shows agression he will react.

    I live in a crowded street, kids are playing, parents are around and i had to socialise him so that i can leave my street without accidents.

    I have my dog for rotection so i disagree with peole who say that my dog doesnt belong in this surrounding. He fits in perfectly, cost time to socialise him but now he is a great dog. He didnt loose the co character and he is the real deal from Russia.(ucrania).

    Ofcourse it has consequenses, i cant let anyone in, must be alert with family or visitors but i choose for this breed and i know what i can expect. 

    Yesterday when i was upstairs my sonn fallowed (lives in my house) his girlfriend wanted to go upstairs he blocked her and didnt let her go up.

    He blocked her and growled so i get down and told Inar to back off.

    Socialising is also to teach the dog to be clear without using theeth immediatly precent accidents.


    When i walk alone no one is allowed to come near me. He stand up growls, showing his theeth but dont dragg me around.

    And he is very clear and no one will approch me.


    He is a great dog and my next one will be also a real co.