Comment to question about socialization with a fila
Desiree, You are so right. My fila's first and only real bite came at 4mos old. I am a huge advocate of socialization for the protection breeds. I started taking mine out every day when I got him at 8wks. I would keep treats on hand for strangers to feed him. At 4mos we were walking on the Riverfront and a young guy approached and asked if he could pet him and I asked him to stand still and let the puppy pet him. Hank eventually walked to him and asked for attention and as he was petting him a guy walked by and reached around him to pet the puppy and the PUPPY clamped down on his wrist and held (no warning at all). From that point on he would never allow strangers to touch him. I did however continue taking him out in public for walks just to familiarize him with normal behavior. He reached the point in his temperament that his threshold for reaction came to about a 10ft radius, so I decided that he could still go but he had to stay in the car while the others dogs walked. Just keep on doing what you're doing and know in the back of your mind that it will come. Be Ready. Good Luck, Jen