Comment to 'question about socialization with a fila'

    Sorry, No socialization creates a fearful dog, not a guard dog.  The problem with dogs today, is that people don't expect ENOUGH from them.  Balance is the ability to do what's needed, when it's needed.  JMHO, Jen

     Sorry Jen, but after my post as above you understand I have quote this. My CO as my Boerboel as all non socialized guard dogs ARE FAR FROM FEARFUL AND THE CLOSER POSSIBLE TO GUARD DOGS. On contrary I have scared off dozens of socialized "guard dogs" by simply stepping my foot hard on the ground, or yelling at them, or pretending I get a rock, the been bold and courageous as long as you just play with them and when you really mean bad and show them a situation they have not been expose to, they lower their tails between rear legs and they pull ears back and run away not all of them but vast majority. The owners friends of mine tried the same with my dogs you can imagine the outcome if you cannot please refer to my reply as above...

    I respect your opinion but mine is there is no comparison here, imagine the same dog when been socialized its suspicion lowers along its guarding ability and the possibility to get deceived increases accordingly to the extend of the socialization, exceptions are only exists to confirm this rule.

    Same dog with no socialization to destroy its natural instincts and trait it will get a lot harder and sharper approach on any stranger, possibilities to get deceived are minimal here, again exemptions are to confirm this rule.

    ...and as always to remind, that no guard breed in dog history through the centuries gained the trait because of the extensive, immense and thorough socialization, it is AS  RIDICULOUS AS IT SOUNDS, in contrary dozens of breeds they LOST IT EXACTLY BECAUSE OF IT, NOWADAYS.

