Comment to 'Any coyote stories?'
  • [blockquote]The other day I stumbled across a fellow that owned two pitbulls for show. He said that he never has any problems with agression to other dogs. BUT, when he lived at a dairy farm he said that coyotes would come around to eat the afterbirth from a calf. He said his female would run right into the middle of them and come out dragging a yote...[/blockquote] Our Akita are similar, they are very sweet with our dogs and each other, and will except new dogs into the family if we introduce them correctly... But any dog or Coyote that shows up in our property or on the other side of the fence is a threat - and our Akita move to eliminate it. Why don't we leave our Akita to do our CO's job? Because our Akita will not stay outside at night - they are not night owls like our CO is. ---- [blockquote]Could a CO take a coyote?[/blockquote] I'm certain our 70lb Akita female could take 1 Coyote, so obviously a 140lb CO would make fast work of one as well... But it's important to understand that a CO wants the "threat" to go away from his/her property more than he/she wants to engage it. Engaging a "threat" physical [meaning making contact] would be the very last line of defence for any LGD. You can think of an LGD's M.O. as "Shock and Awe" and not "The best defence is a good offence". Having said all that, I have seen groups of 4+ Coyote out here hunting together - a group of 3 [or more] 50lb-70lb Coyotes would put a real hurt'n on 1 CO, no matter the size of the CO. That's my opinion anyway. ----