Comment to Sharplaninac... and the variations
Well babs, Considering that this dog is of the original sarplaninac type... what do you think??? :wink: As far as them all being sar's... id have to say, yes. I mean, in the most basic meaning of the word Sarplaninac, any dog from the Shara mountain is a sarplaninac, as it means dog of Shara mountain. As for them all being of the same actual sarplaninac breed.... id say no. I mean, the militray dogs do not look like arx or gaia or debar, in turn arx and gaia and debar do not look like the albanian variety or goranian variety, and do i really have to mention the mix breds?? Now, in order for you to truly get your answer, you'd have to actually read the profiles for each Sarplaninac, Albanian Shara mountain dog, Goran Shepherd and the Karst sheepdog. They all come from the same basic ancestors, but they have ALL had different ""additions"" based upon their regional differences, the differences in the cultures of the people who kept them, and their uses. It is known that the military Shars have GSD blood and Co blood running through their veins. It is known that the Albanian variety has had fighting mastiffs and bull and terriers mixed in for the fighting aspect. It is also known that there are breeders crossing spanish mastiff and all kinds of other monsters into their lines to make a more impressive and interesting looking dog to win shows, which in essence, is the TOTAL OPPOSITE of what a sarplaninac is. The Sar is one of the SMALLEST LGD breeds out there. Back not to long ago, big males were only 26-27 inches,and now we are seeing them as tall and taller than Co. The sarplaninac having to fight off wolves and bears and dogs and people much larger than itself developed what only real Sar fanciers have seen... a Certain controlled rage that is 2nd to none when the have been pushed into the need to protect. In fact, i have been told by MANY sarplaninac fanceirs that the main difference between a co and a sar is that when in a fight or confrontation, a co gets mad and as the fight goes on, it gets tougher... while the sarplaninac starts out as tough as it will ever be, but gets angrier and much more punishing when the fight goes into ""extra"" rounds if you will. They also developed HUGE canine teeth, which combined with the sar rage while in a fight, does MASSIVE amounts of damage very quickly, causing them to be VERY successful LGD breed. Also, Sarplaninac has been and still is used for not only guarding, but Herding. I hope that this has been helpful. Mike