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When choosing a dog breed for a family with small children, it’s important to consider the dog’s temperament, size, and energy level. Some dog breeds that are known for being good with children include:

  1. Labrador Retriever: Friendly, outgoing, and eager to please, the Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States
  2. Golden Retriever: Loyal, patient, and affectionate, the Golden Retriever is a great family dog that loves to play and cuddle
  3. Beagle: Cheerful, curious, and energetic, the Beagle is a small dog that is great with kids and loves to explore
  4. Irish Setter: Playful, outgoing, and affectionate, the Irish Setter is a high-energy dog that loves to run and play
  5. Boxer: Loyal, energetic, and playful, the Boxer is a great family dog that loves to be around people

Remember that every dog is unique, and it’s important to choose a dog that fits your family’s lifestyle and personality. It’s also important to teach children how to interact with dogs safely and respectfully. I hope this information helps you find the perfect furry friend for your family! 🐾

Most important for me was finding "kids friendly" dog, that i don't have to worry about my little one. I think we made great choice in this case, but the little furry was diagnosed with the diabetes last week. Now a look for a place where i can buy vetsulin online, as we live far in the woods and it doesn't make any sense to drive to vet every time we need it.

I understand the whole point of course why the sick dog should stay at home, but we need to remember to keep an eye on a sick pet 24/7. The same like we do with our children. It might be a problem for people with the jobs (like me), at that's the reason we have dog camera https://petcube.com installed at home. It allows me check on my dogs as often as i want and be sure that they are doing fine.

Wow, those are cute! What a fur! What kind of tick and flea protection do you use for them? I can imagine that it should be something decent. I read a lot of positive things about Frontline on Pet express. Any experience with this on? Appreciate the feedback

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