Comment to 'Which breeds are involved in this dog, would you say?'
  • I'd guess it's an apbt/rott, maybe a young one with some filling out to do. Interesting observation from someone who has seen a few rott crosses- [QUOTE]Rottweiler. Not a common breed in pig hunting circles, a lot of hunters will have a bit of a chuckle about using the Rottie. I have hunted with 2 pure bred dogs, and a couple of crosses. All were good honest dogs, with the pure dogs probably being my pick for a pure bred pig dog. They have a top nose, plenty of weight and will not let go. The male I owned was used to find roos in long grass when shooting pet food, and any pigs we came across were never any drama regardless of size. I bred two litters of F1 crosses using Rottie to EBT. They were good sized dogs, lots of hunt and bloody hard, probably a little too hard for me but they would find and hang, no matter what. An unusual thing when crossing the Rottie is that nearly all the pups will be red, it is very rare to get a black and tan. Downside is heat; they need a lot of water but no more than other large dogs. They are definitely worth considering in any pig dog mix.[/QUOTE] [URL][/URL]