Comment to 'HELP!! New Caucasian Puppy'
  • I can also talk about his health now, where everyone can see. He is on parvo watch, because of three reasons: First, he has not been eating very much. I'm hoping it is because it is a change in diet, and he will overcome it. Second, he has diarrhea. Third, he was throwing up. He has stopped throwing up, but the eating hasn't increased by much. He will go back to the vet on Friday. He is going to get his second deworming treatment tonight, and he has two ear infections that I need to treat until the end of the week.

    My other big concern is how to train him. I have read that I SHOULD hit him or pinch him etc., because that's what his mother and litter mates would have done to tell him that they don't like his behavior. I have also read to never hit them, because they have a strong sense of pride and will not react well to that. So far, I have been firm but fair with him. I struck him on the nose when he snapped at the person that scared him, but that is all. 

    Here are some pictures. The one of him on the leash was his first time ever, and since then he has started to walk. If the leash ever becomes taught, he will sit down just like that and stop moving though.