Comment to Presa on "Its Me or the Dog".
I appreciate a trainer that can convince an ower to alter their dog. The problem I have with the whole thing is someone going outside their boundaries of responsibility and pushing the owner away. If I had hired a trainer to correct a specific behavioral problem and they told me to alter my dog - that would be the last time I see them in that capacity. Now, that is me - and I know my dogs. The owner who has no clue what they are getting into could use some advise regarding responsible ownership. The decision to neuter or spay is still the domain of the owner and there is a fine line between sage advice from a trainier and unwanted intrusion into the private ownership rights of individuals. I am glad that Victoria was able to "convince" this person to alter his dog and that she was successful with the training. The Presa needs all the good publicity it can get. Richard, did you find out any more info on the Tosa. I may know the owner :)