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Presa on "Its Me or the Dog".

I don't get that show where i am, but would have loved to see the whole thing. what was the outcome? as far as i can tell, all that dog needed was some good running daily. If a punk like that showed up at my door wanting one of my puppies, I would kick his butt back to kindergarten LOL
Replies (9)
    • Did anyone catch the recent episode of Its Me or the Dog in New York. http://animal.discovery.com/videos/its-me-or-dog-season-new-highlights/ The Guy and his girlfriend, live in my area. Victoria Stillwell was helping them straighten out their Presa. Any thoughts? Richard
      • I don't get that show where i am, but would have loved to see the whole thing. what was the outcome? as far as i can tell, all that dog needed was some good running daily. If a punk like that showed up at my door wanting one of my puppies, I would kick his butt back to kindergarten LOL
        • [quote1303337308=tosamama] I don't get that show where i am, but would have loved to see the whole thing. what was the outcome? as far as i can tell, all that dog needed was some good running daily. If a punk like that showed up at my door wanting one of my puppies, I would kick his butt back to kindergarten LOL [/quote1303337308] Victoria, took the guy and his girlfriend to a shelter. To show how many Bully Breeds they have. And not to breed his dog. which was his intention. The Presa has such tough time in the last ten years. Responsible breeders work hard making the breed better. They don't need this. As always this is not the case. In the end she showed how to properly handle him. And convinced the guy to neuter his dog. The dog did an about face. From nearly lunging at the camera guy. To being aggressive to people and other dogs outside. To being a proper canine citizen. From the training exercises she had him and his girlfriend do. Especially in Scarsdale NY. One of the wealthiest areas in the US. Its important for Molosser breeds to be good citzens, here as well in any area. BTW, there is a nice Tosa that down the road from me.:) Richard
          • Sounds like the perfect outcome :) You have a Tosa in your neighbourhood? Wonder if I know him or her?
            • You have a Tosa in your neighbourhood? Wonder if I know him or her? I'll see if can get more info. Richard
              • I caught it on replay today. I enjoy her shows, also like how she pushes pet owners to fix. It was clear the guy had minimal time for an animal....not sure if he really thought breeding casper threw.
                • I caught this, and while I personally have never been a fan of Victoria Stillwell, I was appreciative of the favor she did our breed taking on this idiot. I can guarantee you he didn't think breeding or OWNING this dog through...all he saw was $$$$$$ and image.
                  • I appreciate a trainer that can convince an ower to alter their dog. The problem I have with the whole thing is someone going outside their boundaries of responsibility and pushing the owner away. If I had hired a trainer to correct a specific behavioral problem and they told me to alter my dog - that would be the last time I see them in that capacity. Now, that is me - and I know my dogs. The owner who has no clue what they are getting into could use some advise regarding responsible ownership. The decision to neuter or spay is still the domain of the owner and there is a fine line between sage advice from a trainier and unwanted intrusion into the private ownership rights of individuals. I am glad that Victoria was able to "convince" this person to alter his dog and that she was successful with the training. The Presa needs all the good publicity it can get. Richard, did you find out any more info on the Tosa. I may know the owner :)
                    • Here is Victoria Stillwells responce from that segment. http://positively.com/2011/04/21/nevermind-the-bollocks/ Richard
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