Comment to 'Fascinated with molossers'
  • State Farm, Alstate & Farmers Ins. all will insure Rottweilers, so I'm pretty confident they'll insure the other Molosser breeds. I used to Hunt baor in East Tenn. annually. In that 1/2 of the state boar & ferral pigs are concidered a nuisance animal NOT a game animal so they can be hunted all year. Think Bully-type molosser breeds that were developed to catch. IE . American Bulldogs, Dogos, Presas...even the Rottweiler. You hubbie could hunt the jack & a bulldog together for boar. The jack could find & bay until the bulldog catches. Jacks are so fast they will be safe. Of course Jacks are also completely insane dogs so it might try to catch the boar too :lol: :lol: :lol: Two opposite sex dogs, one an adult & the other a puppy pretty much will always bond and be a great team.