Comment to 'Fascinated with molossers'
  • [quote="soldiermonkey"][blockquote]"I became interested in molossers when the pair of presa canarios attacked and killed the lesbian lacrosse teacher in San Francisco some years ago"[/blockquote] For your information I have had molossers my whole life, and have been a member of this site for years... I hope no one who knew or cared about this woman read your horrible post. pm me if you want to know what OFFENDED really means[/quote] i think it was the "L" word that started it. i don't swing that way, but i have no problem with those who do. when someone mentions that in a situation in which it has no bearing, it can be thought of as offensive. I was taken a little aback by the original post, that's why I addressed Diane Whipple first. if boar hunting is an important thing, you need an opposite sex Dogo or AmBull.