Comment to 'Fascinated with molossers'
  • I became interested in molossers when the pair of presa canarios attacked and killed the lesbian lacrosse teacher in San Francisco some years ago. I'd never heard of presa canarios before. I knew of mastiffs, of course, and pit bulls and rottweilers as being generally intimidating dogs, but I'd never even heard the term "molosser" until recently and "presa canario" sounded like an Italian furniture or clothing designer to me, lol!. Some months ago, that SF case was mentioned again on TV in the context of something else, and I remembered I'd always intended to look up more about that breed, presa canario, so I did. In my internet travels to that end, I learned the term "molosser" and eventually stumbled into this site because of the complete listing of all molossers. The categorization of them and the reasons for it are really helpful in understanding what these dogs are all about, and I've spent a lot of time reading about the different breeds. Over the months that I've been reading those profiles, I've thought back to some of the 1st and 2nd category dogs I've seen over the years and what they have in common that is different from all other breeds finally gelled in my mind: they have a primal aura and stand-offishness about them that other breeds don't have. They are the steely-eyed dogs of war. I don't have a molosser breed, and don't know if I would ever want one. We live in a condo, for starters. We have a pure-bred, roughshod, 4WD, shot-from-a-cannon Jack Russell Terrier rocket dog who is scary-smart. She is quite merry and not stand-offish at all, lol! But we intend to move to the country of Eastern Tennessee as soon as we're able to sell and get the hell out of here. At that point, we might want a molosser type dog for security if such a dog is good with other dogs and has a good hunting instinct as well because my husband is an avid hunter, although our JRT has a strong hunting instinct and puts up birds, loves to hunt rabbit and squirrel, mice, etc., and is big on fishing as well. Would a molosser breed tolerate a JRT's antics? Or would it become annoyed with the JRT's constant urging to play and chase and the terrier "attitude"? I'm also wondering if homeowner's insurance is higher if you own one of these breeds and, if so, how much more? Thank you for any information you would care to share on these subjects. :)