Comment to 'Fascinated with molossers'
  • [quote=soldiermonkey]I am hugely offended by the way you started this thread. You have zero compassion for the woman savaged to death. I hate that someone like you is attracted to these animals.[/quote] WTH? What part of this did you miss? "Yes, Diane Whipple. That was her name, that's right.. Imagine walking out of your apartment or down the hallway toward your front door and suddenly you are set upon by these dogs who look like they were created by Satan himself and launched from Hell. Imagine the disbelief running through your mind as your life slowly ebbs away: "I'm dying today? Like this? DOGS?" Of course, that case also reminds me of the woman who was jogging early one morning on a jogging trail and was attacked and killed by a mountain lion. I didn't see any vigorous prosecution of these leftwing loons who block all attempts to properly manage wildlife. Her pain, shock and anguish would have been no less than Diane Whipple's. Whether it's dog owners or fools in government and the courts, the result is the same, but the blame process is totally different." I must say YOUR post offends ME! What part of "I'm interested in a guard dog after we move to the country" is so wrong? And what part of, "I don't know if I'd ever want one" don't you get? Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Maybe you're just one of those people who wanders around forums looking for something to spin into phony indignation. *SHRUG*