Comment to 'Fascinated with molossers'
  • [quote="soldiermonkey"][blockquote]"I became interested in molossers when the pair of presa canarios attacked and killed the lesbian lacrosse teacher in San Francisco some years ago"[/blockquote] For your information I have had molossers my whole life, and have been a member of this site for years... I hope no one who knew or cared about this woman read your horrible post. pm me if you want to know what OFFENDED really means[/quote] What happened to Diane Whipple was awful and I've made it clear that that is my opinion of that tragic event, but the Whipple case in SF is tangential to the reason I came to this site. Has it occurred to you that somebody can become interested in something they never heard of before, whether that something did or is something wonderful or, conversely, something terrible? A lot of people, particularly journalists, didn't care much about terrorists until Dannie Pearl was beheaded by them. Would it be odd that people, especially journalists, then became interested in the subject, not because they admired or liked the terrorists for killing Dannie Pearl but because they wondered how such a loathsome thing could ever happen? Does somebody who wonders how someone like Hitler could have ever come to power and then studies the subject mean they like or favor what Hitler did? If they then come upon a site or organization that deals very tangentially with the original subject matter the person was interested in or sparked their interest in a broader subject, they don't have to fall all over themselves bemoaning Hitler. Again, your reading comprehension needs work. Perhaps you should look to your own shortcomings before you mouth off to a new person because you're incapable of understanding context, syntax and sentence construction. I hope nobody from the outside looking in read your ignorant posts. And it doesn't matter how long you've been here - you can be a pot-stirring jerk for a short time or for a long time. In all these years that you say you've been a member you've contributed 64 posts, with two of them directed as criticism/harassment of a new member. That's 4% of harassing, ignorant posts directed at a new member in a matter of minutes from a years-long member with only 64 posts contributed in all those years. Shame on you.