Comment to 'Fascinated with molossers'
  • [quote="tosamama"][quote="soldiermonkey"][blockquote]"I became interested in molossers when the pair of presa canarios attacked and killed the lesbian lacrosse teacher in San Francisco some years ago"[/blockquote] For your information I have had molossers my whole life, and have been a member of this site for years... I hope no one who knew or cared about this woman read your horrible post. pm me if you want to know what OFFENDED really means[/quote] i think it was the "L" word that started it. i don't swing that way, but i have no problem with those who do. when someone mentions that in a situation in which it has no bearing, it can be thought of as offensive. I was taken a little aback by the original post, that's why I addressed Diane Whipple first. if boar hunting is an important thing, you need an opposite sex Dogo or AmBull.[/quote] I couldn't think of Whipple's name. One of the prominent things the media repeated about her was the fact that she was a lesbian. I used the term as a means of getting across who I was talking about. I'm new here. I had/have no idea if people would know whom I was speaking about. I don't live all that far away from SF so the case was widely reported here, but I don't know about across the country. Thus, I simply stated all the identifying information I knew about her. Whipple was openly lesbian, so it is no insult to her or to her family to point that out as a means of identifying more particularly the case I was speaking about. SF is the nation's gay and lesbian capital. There are numerous, and I mean numerous, organizations that use the terms "gay" and "lesbian" in the titles of their organizations, and Whipple belonged to at least two of them. So why in hell is using that fact as a means of identifying who I was talking about/triggering people's memory insulting to her or her family? It's the same reason I mentioned that she was a lacrosse teacher and lived in SF. You know what? To hell with this place.