Comment to 'Fascinated with molossers'
  • [quote=soldiermonkey]If you don't think a woman being savaged to death deserves AT LEAST national consideration, I am glad you are not in any position of power. I think you need to take a deep breath and think about how you want to be remembered.[/quote] Then why not an international tragedy? Why not an inter-galactic tragedy? Maybe the UN should convene to discuss it? 911 was a national tragedy. Diane Whipple's death was not. Any violent death is a tragedy. There are cases of horrific violence committed against innocent people every day in this country. They're all tragedies, but they're not "national" tragedies as individual cases. Why is Diane Whipple's death so much more tragic than, say, an innocent child walking down the street who is accidentally shot by drive-by gangbangers? Or how about the two young people in Knoxville who were tortured for days by several people, a story that the national media refuses to report on? I'm happy with the way I'll be remembered. I get paid well to give advice on several very serious subjects that often require delicately balancing diverse interests in which perspective and proportionality must be identified and considered. One of the things I first look for is which party is making a mountain out of a molehill; often a distorted mountain. You, therefore, may want to remove that chip from your shoulder and the proverbial splinter from your eye before you get much older.