Comment to 'Help with dog aggressive dog'
  • May I ask why you feel that your dog has all those mixes is it....Have you seen the parents of the dog? because in looking at your pictures i just see a big GSD Another point is, you need fencing for dogs, I didnt see it mentioned in your posts and I didnt notice any in looking at your pictures (which are nice by the way)...In the US (not sure where you are from) It is against the law in most areas to have your dog off leash. I own a Central Asian & Caucasian and my dogs are never allowed off leash period, unless in a secured yard...I have commercial grade 6' fencing with top and bottom bar. My dogs arent in the yard unless I am home. When I am not home my dogs are in the house where they are safe Most dogs will chase off another dog getting too close to its territory....It is also hard to correct a problem when I am not there too see what is happening and your reaction to handling situations with your dog