Comment to Presa's
Thanks for the compliments. We've been trying to do our best for this breed since we got into it. We've been to the CI, one of the first American breeders to make the trip in those days. We got he Majoreros to understand the presa better, although to be honest we only wanted one, we were gifted with 2. The Majoreros are a trip, to me. They remind me of ugly border collies. But I am generally NOT a livestock guardian person, so some of it may be that instinct and I'm just not used to it. They tolerate the heat reasonably well, as mine are kenneled outside, with and indoor/outdoor run in a small garage. They have a window AC unit to keep the temp down during the summer for them and 2 of the presas, and seem content enough. I do notice that mine will shed their coats for summer, and get the undercoat for winter, but I cannot say if this is an adaption to our conditions in Virginia, or typical for the breed. AS far as it's contribution, there are a small percentage of fanciers that will try to sell you that you have to cross the Majorero in periodically to the presa to have "authentic" lines. :roll: That's like crossing the Bull Terrier back into the Dogo Argentino to keep it real... I have seen presa X Majorero crosses, and let's just say you would know it if it was that close in your lines, and it wouldn't be pretty. I feel that you can see similarities in the two breeds, but not so much a physical trait. I see their fearlessness at times echoed in the presa. Also their aloofness. My female Majorero will not back down from any dog, including the uber bitchy alpha female presa I used to have. The female Maj. dominated pretty much everyone on the property, which is funny since's she's almost the smallest. They're very busy, very territorial and very vocal. Which is why they now live outside LOL. I have had a few of these traits expressed more in some dogs then others. I had a hard time telling the alpha bitch's bark from the Majoreros some times. The male Majorero and the alpha female presa were the only two on my yard with live bites. Last year one of our Canarian friends came over to compete in our club's national presa show. His family owned about 6 Maj's. He told us the story of how each Maj had it's own territory within the property, and stuck to it. They didn't fight each other, and the tolerated/liked the family. but there was a low stone fence that surrounded part of the property, and he would tell of people standing on the other side and be fine, but if they leaned over it, or stretched out to pet one of them, they would get bit. If by "English parentage" you mean the more mastiffy side, I don't think you can acurately say that. Unfortunately many countries, including Spain and the US, are still pretending that health problems don't exist in this breed- particularly HD. We've made great headway, but I don't think you can say one type vs the other have the advantage with any scientific certainty. I do like to think that the community that can trace their dogs directly to Spain/CI (who some would deem the mastiffy type) have an edge in overall testing number for hips :wink: