Comment to Presa's
This is like the third time in a month's span that someone has asked me to compare the presa to a Rottie :lol: The Rottie must be the gold standard guardian :!: I really don't have any Rottie experience, other then one who visited my house and got her ass bit and run off by my uber bitch....bu then again I don't think she was much of a Rottie :twisted: The presa as a breed is not consistent enough as a guardian to close your eyes and point and take home a personal guard. Don't get me wrong, there are quite a few good dogs and breeders, but you have to do your research and LOOK for it. Then they're the difference between a watch dog and a PP dog, which a lot of people, even breeders in this breed, don't understand. Most presas are going to put on a impressive display when you come onto the property, and you will get a lot of people who will tell you they're dogs will "take care of it", but you just don't know for sure until it happens. The presa comes into its first version of adult temperment a little over 1 year of age. First thing that kicks in is usually dog aggression, and some territoriality. Then as the second year progresses, you'll see more of it's protective instinct/manner arrive. A good dog that you research and look for, I think is comparable to most other guardian breeds.